Savanna Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2(1):23-28
Impact of Pit-Latrines on the Physicochemical Quality of Ground Water in Shinko and Doubeli Wards, Yola North LGA, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Ahmad, A., Chessed, G., Daskum, A. M and Shitta, K. B.

Diffusion of chemical and microbial contaminants from pit latrines to groundwater is believed to affect human health negatively. In this study, the effect of pit latrines on ground water quality and their physicochemical properties in was assessed. Non probability sampling was employed in selecting twenty households with well or borehole for water sample collection. Lateral distance between water sources and the nearest latrine in a household were determined. Ten water samples were collected from ten different sources, 5 each from wells and boreholes in the Doubeli and Shinko wards, Yola North Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Distance of dug-out wells to pit latrines were used to compare the physicochemical parameters of water samples from the study area. Other parameters studied include pH and Turbidity between wet and dry seasons, respectively. Results obtained shows that most water sources are closer to pit latrines. The mean pH (6.3) obtained is within the standard range of pH 7.2. While overall mean conductivity (512.1) of ground water in both locations and across seasons was far beyond the recommended (7.8) for standard conductivity, the mean Total Dissolved Solids (256.2) of ground water in both locations and across both season is still above the standard (3.6.l). These variation from the standard may be due to the relatively close distance of water sources (Wells and boreholes) to pit latrines, hence the reason for contamination observed.